Charcoal Drawing Days-discover the versatility of charcoal ,create quick and expressive drawings On these Saturday workshops you will be introduced to drawing with charcoal (made from local willow).It will be a fun day of lots of experimenting. You will have the chance to make your own charcoal in a yurt in our wood in our garden and be provided with a home made lunch . The dates for this year are: 19 March,21 May.and 8 October.The cost is £40. Please to contact me to book.
Workshops/schools. I have been involved with many projects involving schools,art clubs,Glastonbury Festival etc. Please see the photos.I am available to run workshops/projects if you are interested.
Please look at the section titled 'Photos of courses/workshops' on this site.
Workshops/schools. I have been involved with many projects involving schools,art clubs,Glastonbury Festival etc. Please see the photos.I am available to run workshops/projects if you are interested.
Please look at the section titled 'Photos of courses/workshops' on this site.